Main (Grades 2-8)

P.S./I.S. 104

The Fort Hamilton School

9115 Fifth Ave

Brooklyn, NY 11209

T. 718-836-4630

F. 718-836-9412

Annex (Grades K-1)

P.S./I.S. 104 Annex

The Fort Hamilton School

415 - 89th Street

Brooklyn, NY 11209

T. 718-759-4990

F. 718-759-4992

Welcome Back Letter

Back to School IconDear Families,
Welcome back to what I hope is an amazing school year! I hope you had a terrific summer break and were able to spend time doing things as a family. I hope that your child is excited to join us on September 5th, 2024. Please visit and continue to check www.psis104.com for the most up to date information.

I am writing to share with you some important information that you may find helpful to make the opening days of school run smoothly. Returning students: your child’s classroom information was sent on the last day of school last year. If you do not have the class information for your child, please contact Mrs. Kosta, Parent Coordinator at jkosta3@schools.nyc.gov or 718 836-4630 on September 5 or September 6 between 9AM and 1PM.

School hours are 8:10 am- 2:30 pm
A Paid Early Drop Off Program is available for K-8 students in both buildings. Those parents that are interested, must register their child for the program by bringing a check or money order.  No student may start the Early Drop Off Program until all forms and payments are submitted. If students are starting the Early Drop Off Program on the first day, parents must enter the Lobby to meet the Early Drop Off staff, who will be present to accept all forms and payment.  If students are not beginning on the 1st day of school, all forms and payment for September are due by September 6 to the Main Office. Beginning October all payments must be made by the parent directly to the early drop-off teacher.  

Regular arrival doors open for grades 2 and 3 students at 8:00 am and will close by 8:10 am. All other entrance doors will open at 8:10 am and will close by 8:15 am. Children will be marked late after 8:15 am and receive a late pass from the main lobby security desk area. K and 1 parents must escort their child to the lobby for a late pass. All guests and visitors who enter the building for any reason must enter through the main lobby and show photo ID. All visitors must comply with the NYC DOE visitor policy which can be found on the DOE website.

Morning Arrival- Main Building- 9115 5th Avenue
Breakfast will be grab and go breakfast when doors open at 8:10 am. Please do not arrive early.

Doors on the left side of the building on 5th Avenue: First Door-Grade 2- On the first day ONLY, to support your child’s transition from the annex to the main building we are staggering their start time. Grade Two students will enter the building at 8:30 am and meet their teachers in the auditorium. Each day thereafter, they will follow the regular entry time of 8:00. Second Door at the top of the stairs: Grade 3 line up outside the doors at 8:00am and enter the building on their own with staff assistance and proceed to seats in the auditorium and wait for their teacher to escort them to class. Please check the arrival map to locate the entry doors; it can be found at www.psis104.com. Doors on 92nd Street and 5th Avenue (Across from the old KFC)- Grades 4 and 5 Students should arrive between 8:05 am and 8:10 am and use the doors on 92nd Street and 5th Avenue for entry. Grade 4 should line up along the fence with the line toward Gelston Avenue. Grade 5 should line up along the fence with the line toward 5th Avenue. Students will walk directly up to their class with staff supervision in stairwells and hallways. Please be sure that children know their classroom number on day one! Please check their June letter for this information or contact Mrs. Kosta.

4 Doors in the large school yard: Grade 6 students will walk directly up to their class with staff supervision in stairwells and hallways. Please be sure
that children know their classroom number on day one! Please check their June letter for this information or contact Mrs. Kosta. Doors on the Gelston Platform: Grades 7 and 8 students will walk directly up to their class with staff supervision in stairwells and hallways. Please be sure that children know their classroom number on day one! Please check their June letter for this information or contact Mrs. Kosta.

Morning Arrival-Annex- 415 89th Street
On the first day, Kindergarten students will enter the building through the Main entrance at 8:30 a.m. with their parents. Parents are welcome to stay for a few minutes to meet the teacher. On the second day, Kindergarten students will enter at the regular entry time of 8:10 a.m. through the Main entrance with their parents once again. Each day thereafter, students will follow the regular entry time of 8:10 a.m. through the Main entrance and go directly to their classrooms.
On the first day, Grade One students will enter the Annex building through the Main entrance at 8:10 a.m. to meet their teachers in the Lunchroom. Each day thereafter, classes 1-105, 1-201,  1-205 and 1-206 will follow their regular entry through the solid, blue door to the right of the Main entrance (closer to the garage door) and class K/1-107 will follow their regular entry through the Main entrance. Upon entry, students will go directly to their classrooms. The doors will open at 8:10 a.m.

Dismissal Please indicate who will pick up your child on the Emergency Contact Sheet. Only persons 18 years of age or older may pick up students. Emergency Contact Sheets should be brought with your child on day one. The Emergency sheets can be found on our school website at www.psis104.com. Please be sure the Sheet is signed. Please review the dismissal maps as in many cases it is NOT the same door as morning arrival! The dismissal map can be found at www.psis104.com. Teachers in grades K-3 will dismiss to a parent or guardian listed on the Emergency Contact Sheet (rain or shine). Walking is only permitted for grades 4-8. Any changes to pick up must be sent in writing to your child’s teacher. I am so excited to begin a new year and we are committed to making this the best year for your children!

Suzanne Gordon

Main Arrival & Dismissal Maps

Annex Arrival & Dismissal Maps


Penny Proud showing her Driver License as her identification. Parents/Guardians: Please note that visitors must always present their ID when entering the building. Keep the sticker/visitors pass visible at all times. Return it to the security desk upon leaving.


Our school motto is P.S. 104, "The Mark of Excellence".
To this end, we strive to provide a clean , safe, and secure environment for
all students in our charge. Firmly believing that all children are capable
of learning, all members of the staff are committed to
offering experiences that along with the support of the home,
will allow children to learn and progress in all areas of social, personal,
and academic development. In order to strive for excellence in
academic achievement, the school plans to emphasize and thereby
improve learning in literacy, math, science, social studies, and the arts.


We emphasize participation in a variety of altruistic endeavors such as: Thanksgiving Basket Drive, Toy Drive, Coat Drive, American Heart Association, Relay for Life, St. Jude Children's Hospital. We offer many opportunities aligned with skills and talents that lead to college and career readiness including: College visits, AAA Safety Patrol, Urban Advantage Program, Junior Achievement Program, Business Finance Park Program, Participation in a musical theater residency with Inside Broadway, C.H.A.M.P.S., Annual Science Expo, National History Day Fair, STEM based curriculum and field experiences, Participation in essay and art contests, Respect For All activities including Buddy Days, Mouse Squad to assist in maintaining technology in the school, Musicale Performance, Art Exhibits, Brotherhood Tea, and CASA program sponsored through a grant from Councilmember Brannan providing ARTS enrichment. We have maintained a level of commitment toward school-wide technology to continue to prepare our students for college and career readiness. Available technology includes: Smart Boards in all classrooms, Elmos/Smart Document Cameras, Desktops in classrooms, Portable Laptop Carts, Computer Lab, iPads, and Digital Cameras, 3D printers.


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